St. John the Evangelist

September 26: Feast of St. John the Evangelist

John was born in Bethsaide on the Sea of Galilee. He was the brother of the apostle James and the son of Zebedee and Salome. He earned his living as a fisherman. At first he was a disciple of John the Baptizer, later he became a follower of Jesus and his beloved disciple. During the Last Supper it was John who rested his head on the chest of the Lord and followed him up to the cross. After the death of the other apostles John lived at Ephesus and according to tradition, spent his last days on the island of Patmos where he died at an advanced age. The fourth gospel, three epistles and the Book of Revelation are attributed to him. May his prayers be with us. Amen.

Synaxarion for John the Apostle, Maronite Prayer of the Faithful

Stained glass depiction of Saint John by Saliba Douaihy, Our Lady of Lebanon Cathedral, Brooklyn, NY